What exactly is the problem?

- Richard

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:58 AM, cogitovn <cogit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I use both libraries: jQuery 1.3.2 and ui.core, ui.slider. Besides,
> plugin (jquery) tool.tooltip (http://flowplayer.org/tools/
> tooltip.html <http://flowplayer.org/tools/%0Atooltip.html>) is also in
> use.
> At 2 different locations of the site, I call tooltip() function.
> The first, tooltip() call to $.data() of jQuery, line 1368 in
> jquery.js
> But at other, tooltip() call to $.fn[name], line 225 in ui.core.js
> Althougt, both include these libraries concurrently, in the same
> order.
> I don’t know why.
> Please help me for useful information.
> Thank you very much!

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