Hi Scott,

> Could you post in a bit more detail what you had to change to get it
> to work in IE?  Searching these forums is a great way for people to
> solve their own problems.
here is what I changed in order to get it to work in IE.

Not working:
('change',function(){ ... }

jQuery('#productWizard #option2 select').bind('change',function()
{ ... }

My conclusion: IE is not capable of putting a chained ajax request
altogether nicely...

Quite simple solution - once I figured out where it broke.

> I do have one UI suggestion for this control.  There is no "Undo"
> mechanism.  You can't say "Wait, I meant De-misting!"  But you have
> the 1 -2 - 3 step images.  If you turned those into links for previous
> state, it would be quite useful.
That is actually a good idea! I am running low on time right now, but
will keep this in mind when I plan a rewrite of the code.

> Good.  I spent much more time typing that up than I meant to.  I
> thought I'd dash off a quick alternative for you.  A long time later I
> was still trying to fill in the details.  I should either have trimmed
> it down or followed it through all the way.  I'm glad that it was at
> least food for thought.
It sure was - and in that helped to bring out the solution so I am
grateful you took the time!

> Good luck on your project.


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