
For obvious reasons, we try using Google to load javascript libraries
when we need them.
We already used Prototype using google.load() function, and now we
decided to add jQuery as well since we will be using some jQuery UI
widgets to speed up development on a project (more specifically we
need a decent date selector!

Basically, what we did is:

google.load("jquery", "1");
google.load("prototype", "1");

Unfortunately, for some reason, it complains that noConflict() is no
method leading me to believe tha the jQuery code isn't loaded properly
prior to calling the noConflict() method...

We have never had such an issue in the past, and if we link directly
to the .js file hosted on google servers without using the google.load
() method, it works fine as well...

Does anyone know this is a known issue when working with google.load

Since we manage the needed libraries through a database, and use the
google.load() function for all these libraries, it would be a shame if
we need to include jQuery library directly without using the
google.load() method :)

thanks in advance for your very much appreciated feedback!


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