Hi Mike,

Sorry for the late response, but thanks a lot for this feedback.  It
does indeed help.
I'm only a bit disappointed that I now have 4 <script>google.load()</
script> blocks :)

thanks a lot though!

On 17 dec, 03:08, Michael Geary <m...@mg.to> wrote:
> Put your lines of code in separate <script> tags.
> google.load() uses document.write() to write a <script> tag into the
> document. This <script> tag is not executed until the current <script> tag
> exits. So your jQuery.noConflict() call is being executed before jQuery is
> loaded.
> If you break up the <script> tags like this, it should work fine:
> <script type="text/javascript>
> google.load("jquery", "1");
> </script>
> <script type="text/javascript>
> jQuery.noConflict();
> google.load("prototype", "1");
> </script>
> -Mike
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 7:58 AM, speedpac...@gmail.com <
> speedpac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > For obvious reasons, we try using Google to load javascript libraries
> > when we need them.
> > We already used Prototype using google.load() function, and now we
> > decided to add jQuery as well since we will be using some jQuery UI
> > widgets to speed up development on a project (more specifically we
> > need a decent date selector!
> > Basically, what we did is:
> > google.load("jquery", "1");
> > jQuery.noConflict();
> > google.load("prototype", "1");
> > Unfortunately, for some reason, it complains that noConflict() is no
> > method leading me to believe tha the jQuery code isn't loaded properly
> > prior to calling the noConflict() method...
> > We have never had such an issue in the past, and if we link directly
> > to the .js file hosted on google servers without using the google.load
> > () method, it works fine as well...
> > Does anyone know this is a known issue when working with google.load
> > ()?
> > Since we manage the needed libraries through a database, and use the
> > google.load() function for all these libraries, it would be a shame if
> > we need to include jQuery library directly without using the
> > google.load() method :)
> > thanks in advance for your very much appreciated feedback!
> > David.

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