There is no session yet; the user has not yet logged in. There is no
way to write the requested URL to a hidden input in the login form,
because the login form isn''t up yet - the user is visiting some other

On Dec 19, 3:58 pm, brian <> wrote:
> I would do all of this server-side. Have your PHP script save the
> requested page in the session before redirecting to the login page.
> Or, write the requested URL to a hidden input in the login form.
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Vik <> wrote:
> > Let's say a user visits my site, and takes an action that requires him
> > to be logged in.  I would like to:
> > - Take him to the login page
> > - Automatically return to the page he started from after he logs in
> > So I need to capture the current window.location, which is easy (var
> > returnURL = window.location) and communicate it to my app.  I can't
> > use URL variables (e.g. ?returnURL=,
> > because I'm using CodeIgniter, so I need to pass the returnURL in a
> > POST or REQUEST variable.
> > Is there a way to do this?
> > Thanks in advance to all for any info.

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