I try use the jquery, but I have a problem.

1. I save jquery.js in the root (example www.mysite.com) and in the
bottom of jquery.js file I add this script:

$.get("http://www.mysite.com/data.php";, { SearchFormName:
BalizonSearchFormName, dt: cnt }, function(data){

2. FIle data.php has simple script like this:
<?php echo "Ajax Tested Only" ?>

3. And in the file .php (example: test.php) on the root, I have script
like this to show result from data.php:

<div id="adv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mysite.com/jquery.js";></

So, if run this test.php file from the root (www.mysite.com)
successfully (show result). But if I run the test.php from sub domain
or another my web (different url) can't show the result (blank).

Can someone to help me, please?

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