> If w3schools' statistics are at all accurate, there are about the same
> number of people using IE 6 as either IE 7 or 8

Stats like that are nice, but I'd be curious to see what kinds of
browser stats there are for other people running a (relatively) busy
site? "real" people, like on this list... not some website who have no
idea where they get their numbers from

While even today IE is still a large chunk of browser usage out there
thanks to the hoards of people who don't know better (like for
instance, my parents), my primary side is like 40% FF, %38 IE (of
which i find amazingly, half of those are IE8.. only 10% IE6), 10%
Safari, 7% Chrome....  and that's out of 230,000 unique visits in the
past 30 days......  10% of 38% of IE6 (almost 9,000 visitors) is still
a headache to deal with at this point, thankfully jQuery still makes
it less of a headache  :-)  and it's much appreciated

I'd loooove to just say "screw IE6".. IE7 for that matter too.....
but unfortunately for one reason or another the masses aren't helping
that thinking becoming reality any time soon....

On Jan 12, 9:15 am, Thomas <thpick...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Here's a post from John's blog in which he touches the topic of a
> general strategy for browser 
> support:http://ejohn.org/blog/the-browsers-of-2009/
> He also briefly writes about it in his (latest?) 
> book:http://www.manning.com/resig/
> Finally, John's (and thus jQuery's) testing strategy is to test
> against the previous, the current, and the upcoming (nightly build)
> version of supported browsers. [citation needed] :p
> P.S.: When I write 'John', it's probably really the whole team behind
> jQuery that worked out those approaches.
> On Jan 12, 12:41 pm, RobG <rg...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 1:24 pm, Nathan Klatt <n8kl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > IE 6 use is 3 times that of Safari (all versions) depending on whose
> > > > statistics you believe. Why not drop support for Safari while you're
> > > > at it? And Opera and Chrome?
> > > Because you don't have to do anything to support Safari or Chrome or
> > > Opera
> > There are at least 5 Safari-specific quirks catered for in jQuery (I
> > just searched for Safari in comments), there are likely others.
> > Admittedly that's far fewer than are required for IE, but since IE 6
> > is now about 10 years old, surely it's quirks are well known and
> > catered for?
> > > - they actually work. To stop supporting them you'd have to stop
> > > supporting standards.
> > Browsers will continue to evolve. If appropriate feature detection is
> > already in place and effective alternatives provided to handle quirks,
> > you may find that you are handling some new quirks without having to
> > write a single line of code. :-)
> > For example, while the bit in jQuery that checks if the event.target
> > is a textNode is meant for Safari (pre version 3 I think), it will
> > work for any browser that has such behaviour. Safari's behaviour was
> > actually compliant with the spec, the far more common behaviour (i.e.
> > that event.target is always a nodeType 1) is not compliant.
> > > >> I work with several clients that do
> > > >> not want to "lead the way" in this respect, and need to support IE6 as
> > > >> long as it has a fair usage share, which may be for several more
> > > >> years.]
> > > > That is a sensible decision
> > > Anyone clinging to IE6, at this point, has gone waaaay beyond not
> > > leading the way!
> > If w3schools' statistics are at all accurate, there are about the same
> > number of people using IE 6 as either IE 7 or 8.
> > Of course "support" might mean whether new functionality is provided
> > for old browsers and whether they continue to be part of a test suite.
> > New functions that aren't tested in old browsers can simply be marked
> > in the documentation, or simply "features add after version x.y have
> > not been tested in browser X" so users know not to use them.
> > --
> > Rob

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