Hi all,

Got a quick question for you. I have a form with several text fields.
I'm using AJAX to load data into the fields at page load, using JSON.
Instead of manually writing code to fill each field, I'm wanting to
use some sort of loop to do this.. but I'm unable to think of a way to
do so right now.

Here's an example of what I'm thinking of.. The field in the JSON
object that holds the value corresponds with the field's ID.. ie,
{ "custName": "bob" } can be retrieved by data.custName manually.

success: function(data) {
          part = $(this).attr("id");

but that obviously doesn't work, since it's trying to retrieve "part"
from the data object, instead of using the variable's value. Does
anyone have a way of doing this?


-- T.J.

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