Loop through the data, not the inputs

so like:

$.each(data, function(k, v) {
     var txt = document.getElementById(k);
     if (txt) {
     else {
          // could not find <input>

On Jan 14, 3:35 pm, "T.J. Simmons" <theimmortal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Got a quick question for you. I have a form with several text fields.
> I'm using AJAX to load data into the fields at page load, using JSON.
> Instead of manually writing code to fill each field, I'm wanting to
> use some sort of loop to do this.. but I'm unable to think of a way to
> do so right now.
> Here's an example of what I'm thinking of.. The field in the JSON
> object that holds the value corresponds with the field's ID.. ie,
> { "custName": "bob" } can be retrieved by data.custName manually.
> success: function(data) {
>      $("input:text").each(function(){
>           part = $(this).attr("id");
>           $(this).val(data.part);
>      });
> }
> but that obviously doesn't work, since it's trying to retrieve "part"
> from the data object, instead of using the variable's value. Does
> anyone have a way of doing this?
> Thanks.
> -- T.J.

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