Hi there I am using the following script to load external pages inside
a dialog window. The code is working and it opens the external htmls,
but my problem is that it loads them all once the index.html page is

Here is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
                                $('#Retailers li ul li a').each(function() {
                                        var $link = $(this);
                                        var $dialog = $('<div 
                                        .dialog ({
                                                autoOpen: false,
                                                resizable: false,
                                                modal: true,
                                                position: ['center',80],
                                                overlay: {
                                                        backgroundColor: '#000',
                                                        opacity: 0.8
                                                width: 900,
                                                closeOnEscape: true,
                                                title: $link.attr('title'),
                                        $link.click(function() {
                                                return false;

What do I mean by it loads them all. In all my external htmls I have a
jquery sorting table that depending on the file calls a CSV file which
is then loaded into the tables. You can check an example of my
external page here: http://www.katsoomi.de/clients/theone/landing/it.html
So basically when I open my index.html page it will somehow
automatically load all external html files and their CSV files. Do you
have any ideas how I can make it when I click my link not to load all
the htmls of the other links too.

I think my mistake is  in the beginngin of the code:

                         $(document).ready(function() {
                                $('#Retailers li ul li a').each(function() {

where for the links #Retailers li ul li a, I use this .each? There is
definately something wrong with that code, because when I try to open
the page with IE i receive an error on line 136, which is the middle
one from these lines:

                                            title: $link.attr
                                        $link.click(function() {

I will appreciate any help! Thank you very much in advance!

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