Hi Nathan 

http://www.websequencediagrams.com - now I'm "really confused" I think I
understand it but but let me explain

I want to scroll back and forward through the months on a calendar without
refreshing the page. I have the php calendar, but I don't want any page
refresh which I can do with PHP and just send the GET to the page.  so
ideally what I need is 2 links back and forward with the month variable i.e.
1-12 (Jan - Dec) passed to JQury/Ajax. I have been looking at a number of
scripts, but all to far complex (i.e. do more than I need) just I cant
fathom out how to pass Back (Jan go to Dec) or Forward (Jan go to Feb) and
so on. just need 1 month at a time, nothing fancy etc.

Nathan Klatt-2 wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:32 AM, parot <russ...@parotkefalonia.com>
> wrote:
>> Very near, but it is more basic than that - how do I get the variable
>> ?trythis="changable value" into var trythis="";
> Maybe a sequence diagram would be helpful. Here's what I hear you asking:
> http://www.websequencediagrams.com/?lz=bm90ZSBsZWZ0IG9mIHdlYnBhZ2U6IG1lIGZpcnN0IQpKYXZhc2NyaXB0LT50cnlpdC5waHA6IHRyeXRoaXMgPSA1NwoAPwVyaWdoAEAFABsLU2ltcGxlIGVjaG8gb2YgdmFyaWFibGUANggKAEgJLS0-AF8KOiA1NwBrDQCBDgkACQ8AexUic29tZXRoaW5nIGVsc2UiAExSAFERAIEXFQB3EQ&s=default
> Could you modify that to better explain what you mean, maybe?
> Nathan

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