
What I'm trying to accomplish is a 'cascade' effect. I have 3 shows
setup. I'd like for the 'after' callback to fire the 'next' slide on
the next show... something like this:

  fx: 'fade',
  timeout: 0,
  after: show1After

function show1After() {

  fx: 'fade',
  timeout: 0,
  after: show2After

function show2After() {

  fx: 'fade',
  timeout: 0,
  after: show3After

function show3After() {

I'm obviously doing it TOTALLY wrong...I'm pretty sure the 'after'
callback would be the right one to use. Just not sure how to fire off
the 'next' slide in the next show. And then there's a slide delay... I
assume that's with 'timeout' but I don't want it to auto-advance.

Any ideas? I'll keep hacking at it too but if someone could give me a
shove in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


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