On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov <
dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 20.12.2010 12:04, Peter van der Zee wrote:

[use cases for __proto__?]

> Really, I can't remember some _very_ needed use-case of exactly changing
> `__proto__` dynamically.

It makes sense to differentiate between "mutable [[Prototype]]" and
__proto__ — as one of its implementations. __proto__ way of getting/setting
[[Prototype]] is awkward, which is why something like `Object.setPrototype`
could be a better choice. So I would gladly replace __proto__ w.
Object.setPrototype, since we don't lose much there; but gain consistency
and robustness.

As far as mutable [[Prototype]] in general...

I can think of 2 somewhat useful examples. I'm not taking cases that are
already solved by ES5 — like creating "clean" hashtable — into

1. Callable instances (a weird thing, which I never understood much need
for, but is theoretically interesting —
2. Proper sub-arrays (`Object.create(Array)` still doesn't give us true
arrays in ES5; considering that semantics of instantiated object's [[Get]]
and its [[Class]] values are different from those of array instances)

If #2 is solved by other means (`Array.create` ?) then the need for mutable
[[Prototype]] somewhat diminishes. Or does someone see any other
applications for it?

> First, yes, I'm analyze it from the theoretical design viewpoint.
> ECMAScript borrowed __proto__ from Python. It's called __class__ there --
> and it's also mutable. Though, I also can't remember cases when I was needed
> to change the __class__ of an object dynamically at runtime (probably who
> program Python more than me can provide some really useful cases), but such
> an ability is (maybe to create some useful factories which may _classify_
> objects at runtime or sort of).
> The use cases related with ECMAScript I can imagine are:
> - an elegant way to form inheritance (the same way is used e.g. in Lua);

Just "another" way to form inheritance, right? Not necessarily more elegant

>  - creating the non-polluted hash-tables;

Could already be solved w. `Object.create(null, ...)`

>  - probably some ad-hoc small optimizations (with using for-in without
> `hasOwnProperty` check);

Same solution as in previous.

>  - an ability to solve the problem "instance of a constructor check !=
> object of a needed class" (simpler, the ability to inject the needed
> prototype to e.g. and array instance, http://bit.ly/hhLnRi);

Could you elaborate on this?



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