What I do is:

1. If I'm quite sure there will be only 1: foo(arg)
2. If I'm quite sure there will be only 2: foo(arg1, arg2)
2. If I'm quite sure there will be more than 2: foo(/*Object*/args)
3. if I'm not sure how many of them there will be in the future: foo(/*Object*/args) 4. if I'm quite there will be a couple of them optionals: foo(/*Object*/args)
5. if I'm not sure of anything: foo(/*Object*/args)

So to sum up: sure of 1 or 2 foo(arg1, arg2), or else foo(/*Object*/args). Sometimes I always pass in Objects will arguments just to make it flexible for the future. Sometimes I use "arguments" object. I think everything is up to you, don't think it's really important.


On 13/01/11 16:37, Arlo wrote:
I am developing a JS API for my employer and I constantly ask myself
how I should accept params into my methods.  So I figured I would ask
the professionals.

Here is my scenario:
1.) I know a handful of basic methods that I need to implement right
2.) I do not know if functionality in these methods will expand in the

Example Method:
A.) function drawPolygon( points, polyOptions ) { ... }
B.) function drawPolygon( options ) { ... }

I feel that with option B I can expand functionality a lot easier than
with option A.  Does anyone have advice or common pitfalls when taking
approach B?  I appreciate any input.

Arlo Carreon

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