On 1/16/11, SteveYoungGoogle <stephen.jo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 4:15 am, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Specs, implementations, implementation docs (MDC, MSDN), and
>> programming books are too. But not javascript books; I don't know of
>> any that are good enough to recommend. And so I continue to recommend
>> against reading books on javascript.
> That's a bit over the top isn't it, banning books is usually though of
> as a bad thing Ok you're not saying ban books but recommending against
> reading them is almost the same thing. My personal opinion, for what
> its worth, is that there are some JavaScript books worth reading if
> you don't take every word as gospel. I personally have found David
> Flanagan's "JavaScript The Definitive Guide" and Douglas Crockford's
> "JavaScript: The Good Parts"

And I recommend against reading the good parts for reasons given in
threads on c.l.js. The definitive guide had some good parts in it but
had a number of mistakes and seemed strangely organized. Online
resources have several advantages over books.

Interactive discussions have an even greater advantage in that anybody
can point out mistakes about anything. I've written a couple of wrong
things already on this group. Specifically, I recall being corrected
by kangax, Dalton, and Balazs (dunno how to put the accent on the
"a"). GOod thing I didn't publish those in a book!
>> A question isn't necessarily an attack, nor is it necessarily an
>> admission of ignorance.
> I'm sorry, but I really don't see where this is coming from. I can't
> remember saying or implying that a question might be an attack or an
> admission of ignorance

It is a conceptual derivation from your observation of newbies getting
"roasted". It's not right to read too much into questions.

> Ditto. I am wondering why you think you have to explain something so
> obvious to me.
I think I agree with you and elaborating on my own views. Just my .02.

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