On 1/20/2011 10:02 PM, BobH wrote:
                                <button type="custom" style="margin-top : 10px ;" 
                                <button type="custom" style="margin-top : 10px ;" 

The issue here is that the <button> element is by default (at least in Firefox and Chrome 
on Windows) has a submit action when clicked. So your background color change is happening (you 
can test that out by adding an alert after the setting of the background color style 
attribute), and then the form is submitting and since you don't have an action on the form the 
page submits to itself showing you the "fresh" content of your page (as in without 
the background color set).

Either change the type attribute of your <button> tag to type="button", or add a return 
false to the onclick event onclick="setEdit(); return false"   the former being preferred, with 
not using obtrusive event handlers being even more preferred.


Danilo Celic

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