Juriy Zaytsev :

> But is it a bug really? As far as I know, web storage spec (
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/) makes no clarification on whether
> interface members are writable; or enumerable/configurable for that matter.
> WebIDL spec, however, does mention something about interface members having
> attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]:
> false } (http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#es-interfaces).

Thanks for the links and the info.

> So it seems like writability of localStorage's getItem, setItem, clear, etc.
> is actually in accordance to spec... which is probably not that great, since
> it only makes for a more fragile implementation. The opposite argument could
> be that [[writable]]: false would disallow "useful" cases of overwriting
> localStorage methods, whatever those cases might be.

The problem is that they are not actually localStorage's methods. They
are inherited trough the prototype chain from `Storage' interface.

localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');

localStorage.getItem = null;

localStorage.getItem('foo'); //TypeError

localStorage.__proto__.getItem.call(localStorage, 'foo'); //bar

The setter in this case shadows `getItem' in the prototype chain and
here IMHO internal attributes wouldn't help a lot, while
`localStorage' instance hasn't own property `getItem'.
I think they have to specified the setter and getter of Storage instances.

Another interesting part of `localStorage' are integer properties. For
example getter with integer is mimic of `localStorage.key(n)';

localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');

localStorage[0]; //returns foo

localStorage[21]; //throws an Error with message: Index or size is
negative or greater than the allowed amount


This is about the getter, the more interesting part is. Could set an
item which key is integer digit?

localStorage.setItem('10', 'bar');

localStorage.hasOwnProperty('10'); //true

localStorage[10]; //Error try to get the 10th key instead of item with key 10

localStorage.getItem('10'); //bar

Another example using regular setter instead of `setItem':

localStorage[666] = 'bar'; //There is not any errors here

localStorage.getItem(666); //bar

localStorage[666]; //Error

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