On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Asen Bozhilov <asen.bozhi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Juriy Zaytsev :
> > But is it a bug really? As far as I know, web storage spec (
> > http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/) makes no clarification on whether
> > interface members are writable; or enumerable/configurable for that
> matter.
> > WebIDL spec, however, does mention something about interface members
> having
> > attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]:
> > false } (http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#es-interfaces).
> Thanks for the links and the info.
> > So it seems like writability of localStorage's getItem, setItem, clear,
> etc.
> > is actually in accordance to spec... which is probably not that great,
> since
> > it only makes for a more fragile implementation. The opposite argument
> could
> > be that [[writable]]: false would disallow "useful" cases of overwriting
> > localStorage methods, whatever those cases might be.
> The problem is that they are not actually localStorage's methods. They
> are inherited trough the prototype chain from `Storage' interface.
> localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');
> localStorage.getItem = null;
> localStorage.getItem('foo'); //TypeError
> localStorage.__proto__.getItem.call(localStorage, 'foo'); //bar
> The setter in this case shadows `getItem' in the prototype chain and
> here IMHO internal attributes wouldn't help a lot, while
> `localStorage' instance hasn't own property `getItem'.
> I think they have to specified the setter and getter of Storage instances.

So `setItem` sets keys on an object, shadowing interface members defined on
the [[Prototype]]... Providing getItem/setItem shortcuts in terms of ES
property access/assignment is always problematic, since objects are likely
to inherit from `Object` (or other interfaces) and so can't be used as
reliable "hash tables".

It's the same shoot-in-the-foot-convenience, as providing access to elements
via their id/name off of document (like IE did back in the days, and the
rest followed the suit, if I recall correctly). Ditto for form controls
exposed through the form.

> Another interesting part of `localStorage' are integer properties. For
> example getter with integer is mimic of `localStorage.key(n)';
> localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');
> localStorage[0]; //returns foo
> localStorage[21]; //throws an Error with message: Index or size is
> negative or greater than the allowed amount
> localStorage[-1];
> This is about the getter, the more interesting part is. Could set an
> item which key is integer digit?
> localStorage.setItem('10', 'bar');
> localStorage.hasOwnProperty('10'); //true
> localStorage[10]; //Error try to get the 10th key instead of item with key
> 10
> localStorage.getItem('10'); //bar
> Another example using regular setter instead of `setItem':
> localStorage[666] = 'bar'; //There is not any errors here
> localStorage.getItem(666); //bar
> localStorage[666]; //Error

I didn't know numeric keys have special behavior. Is this part of the spec?
That's one lovely interface...



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