Hey Samuel,

I'd be happy to discuss the inheritance chain problems with you and to
see if this library helps.

I've whipped up a sample of creating a new mixin from scratch:

    # define a new mixin for a superstar with fans
      mixin_name: 'Superstar'

      initialize: ->
        # create instance data with an array of fans
        Mixin.instanceData(this, 'Superstar', {fans: []})

      mixin_object: {
        addFan: (fan) ->
          # get the instance data, and add the fan to the fans array
          Mixin.instanceData(this, 'Superstar').fans.push(fan)
          return this # allow chaining

        getFans: ->
          return Mixin.instanceData(this, 'Superstar').fans

    class Rockstar
    rockstar1 = new Rockstar()
    Mixin.in(rockstar1, 'Superstar')

    class Fan
    fan1 = new Fan(); fan2 = new Fan()

    # Validating the example
    fans = rockstar1.getFans()
    equal(fans[0], fan1, 'fan1 is a fan of rockstar1')
    equal(fans[1], fan2, 'fan2 is a fan of rockstar1')

    # cleanup

Just let me know if you'd like to discuss or if you look at the code
and have some feedback to make it better.



On Oct 10, 3:29 pm, Samuel Richardson <s...@richardson.co.nz> wrote:
> Hey Kevin,
> Can't speak for the code quality but I really like the concept. I was trying
> to implement mixins for a recent project that used coffeescripts
> class/extends functionality but was running into problems with
> the inheritance chain. This sounds like it would be nicely suited for what I
> wanted to do.
> Samuel Richardsonwww.richardson.co.nz| 0405 472 748
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:56 PM, kmalakoff <xmann.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > In a personal project, I started using Javascript mixins quite heavily
> > and recently refactored out the code into a library:
> >https://github.com/kmalakoff/mixin
> > I've been using and improving this over the last 3 months and I'm
> > really excited about sharing it with the JS community, but I'm not
> > sure what people think especially since playing around with prototypes
> > can be frowned upon.
> > The only feedback I have received so far is that is might be hard to
> > debug and seemed a bit complex. For debugging, I implemented a
> > statistics module to be able to look at memory usage and would argue
> > that the complexity matches the problem, but I'd like to get some more
> > feedback! (thank you Angus for suggesting jsmentors)
> > Here are three blog posts with examples so you know what I'm trying to
> > achieve:
> > 1)
> >http://braincode.tumblr.com/post/11026285083/mixin-js-the-javascript-...
> > 2)
> >http://braincode.tumblr.com/post/11100271168/mixin-js-view-with-model...
> > 3)
> >http://braincode.tumblr.com/post/11265571365/mixin-js-subscriptions-e...
> > The above GitHub repository has tests both for the library and for the
> > initial 7 mixins I released (RefCount, Flags, AutoMemory,
> > Subscriptions, Timeouts and 2 or Backbone.js) and the working examples
> > from the blog posts can be found here:
> >https://github.com/kmalakoff/examples-kmalakoff
> > Any feedback would be much appreciated.
> > Cheers,
> > Kevin
> > --
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