For Jake Verbaten,
I would say it's not even a vast collection of lazy people that is blame.  I 
would say it's the conventions supplied by jQuery where certain underperforming 
conventions that are a pain in the ass to natively are made simple by jQuery.  
Furthermore this simplicity encourages reuse, which in programming is typically 
fantastic, however reusing slow underperforming conventions benefits only lazy 
programmers.  As an example take a selector system that encourages use of a 
hierarchy of class values.  This example is a pain in the ass to write 
natively, which is good, because its slow.

For Nick Morgan,
If you are so slow in your ability to write to the DOM and test the results 
cross browser so as to quantify an employer's waste of time then perhaps you 
are need more practice in your core competencies as a front-end developer.  
Encouraging alternative practices to avoid incompetence in fundamental areas 
may not be bad practice except when done in ignorance of what the pitfalls are. 
 Knowing there are differences in DOM interpretation cross browser is not good 
enough on its own.  You have to know what problems you are avoiding and if 
there are costs in using the alternative practice as well as costs to the 
product quality in using any alternative approach.  This is a basic risk 
analysis.  I generally find it's less costly to avoid the management 
complications and hidden costs that come with additional layers of abstraction 
regardless of the employer's time wasted in weeding through the fundamental 
difficulties of the technology.

Austin Cheney, CISSP

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Jake Verbaten
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: [JSMentors] Studying Javascript....Need help..badly..

It's not jquery that makes you lazy. It's the community of jQuery developers 
that promotes being lazy, because you can just use jQuery as a hammer to solve 
all your problems.

I second avoiding jQuery, merely so you don't have to deal with "jQuery 
developers". And thats not the core team, they know what they are doing. It's 
the average developer who uses jQuery and doesnt understand anything of the 
layers beneath. They are the ones spreading misinformation.
On Nov 8, 2011 4:49 AM, "Rey Bango" 
<<>> wrote:

No, jQuery does not make developers lazy. Developers make themselves lazy by 
not taking the initiative to learn more. I'm a member of the jQuery team and I 
*always* preach learning JavaScript and leveraging jQuery as a complement to 
the language, not a replacement.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Amit Agarwal 
<<>> wrote: > > -1 to jQuery. 
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