The idea is to separate application logic from presentation, partly for reasons of 
skill-set separation, and partly for reason of better modularization/encapsulation and 
looser coupling (in other words, better architecture).  Using lots of  <%'s mean 
you're mixing application logic with presentation issues, which for most people is a 
bad idea.


"Kirkdorffer, Daniel" wrote:

> Why should the usage of <% %> and <%=  %> be discouraged?
> Dan
> > ----------
> > From:         Vijay Eranti[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Reply To:     Vijay Eranti
> > Sent:         Wednesday, March 31, 1999 3:39 PM
> > Subject:      use of display tag
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I was wondering is there a way to change the display tag syntax.
> >
> > Normally, html designers use DISPLAY tag most  frequently if they are
> > following the standard practice of minimizing the usage of java snippets
> > in the JSP pages which I think they wont be knowing . The syntax for
> > display tag is
> >
> > <DISPLAY property=bean:propertyname>
> >
> > This seems too long thing. It would be nice if a shortcut for this is
> > provided as provided by most template languages like
> > <# bean:propertyName>
> >
> > I was surprised to see that such a shortcut is provided for java
> > expressions <% %> and <%=  %> whose usage should be discouraged
> > normally. In 95% of cases, the designer will be using display tag and it
> > is real painful to include whole of the two keywords <DISPLAY property=>
> > and then the property name.
> >
> > Regards
> > Vijay
> >
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title:SW Architect
fn:Christopher Cobb

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