I have no ideea how JRun parse the JSP file and what code it generates,
but keep in mind that Java VM has some (well documented) limitations.

>From Virtual Machine Spec:
- 64k entries in constant pool ( that means the count of strings you can
use in out.println(), plus all other constants < 64k )
- 64k as the size of a method ( that mean the service() method can't have
unlimited number of instructions )
- constant string limit is 64k (bytes - not characters!).
That may explain the 32K ( since Unicode chars are ~ 2 bytes - sometimes).
( it's not the limit of a String - just constant String )

Of course, I have no ideea how do they parse the JSP file ( since this is
what it seems to fail), or if they try to read the file in a String to
simplify parsing.

Anyway, it's important to keep in mind that some limitations exists, and
big jsp files may show them. ( but I can't belive 32k is big enough ).


On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Sylvain Roche wrote:

> I don't know whether it is normal or not, but I get an error when my source jsp page 
>exceed 31.7 Ko. I was not able to find a word on that special point neither on the 
>specifications nor in JRun's documentation.
> I get a 500 Internal Server Error
> com.livesoftware.jsp.JSPServlet
> javax.servlet.ServletException
> In fact, the java file generated by JRun is empty, and this occurs only when the jsp 
>file >= 32.8 Ko
> I don't know either if it is a limitation of JRun or of the JSP itself. There might 
>also be a parameter to set to increase the size of the input buffer of the servlet 
>server, but I didn't find where, if it does exist.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Sylvain

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