Just an idea, but

Emilio Alvarez wrote:

>     CampusBean obj = new CampusBean();

I presume you have an import statement in your Java code here? Or is the CampusBean in
the same package as your Servlet?

> <jsp:useBean id="campus" scope="request" class="CampusBean"/>

> Undefined variable or class name: campus
>  out.print(campus.getString("id"));

It could be an initial problem that your code can't find what a CampusBean is - I
presume you have put your classpath to your campusbean in and unless the package is
root (i.e. at the very top) then I can't see how your code would actually be able to
find it...

Richard Vowles, Senior Systems Engineer,
Inprise New Zealand
HTTP: http://www.esperanto.org.nz
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