Foster Bob wrote:

> >the orionserver site has some impressive (almost unbelievable) benchmark
> >comparisons( against
> >ServletExec

>From url above:

Web server comparison with Apache

This benchmark is a comparison of Orion vs Apache (one of the most well known web
servers). It was conducted on a Pentium 133Mhz computer with 32Mb
memory running Red Hat Linux 5.1. Orion was running under Blackdowns Java 2 port
(thanks guys for the great performance it provided by the way).
mod_jrun was installed in the Apache server to provide servlet support. All tests
were performed by a remote host using five concurrent sockets to connect to
the server and retrieve a single location, time after time. What was measured was
general throughput and latency (time taken from the socket creation, during
the writes and reads, to the sockets closing. The benchmarking application was
custom made, it is a native NT executable, you can get it here (or the source
here) to perform your own benchmarks.

Static content (small file, ~0.5k)
Apache: Pages/sec: 114.5. Latency: 43.6ms
Orion: Pages/sec: 219.2. Latency: 19,7ms

Dynamic content: (SimpleServlet)
Apache: Pages/sec: 24.7. Latency: 201.8ms
Orion: Pages/sec: 159.8. Latency: 32.2ms

I understand about dynamic thing - no interface between HTTP Server to Servlet
but somebody please can explain me, how Java-based HTTP Server can be faster than
native ???

What about complex statics pages wit a lot of images / applets  etc ... ?

Thanks in advance!
Zvi Avraham, Senior Software Engineer
NetManage Inc., Visual Connectivity Division

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title:Senior Software Engineer
note:I beleive I can fly !
fn:Zvi Avraham

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