Hi Joel,

JSP (and servlets) can also use URL encoding to maintain the users
session.  This is where the user's session id is continually appended to
the URL (eg. xxxx.html?session=123xyz) to pass it around from page to
page, rather than using cookies.

It is handled transparently, but you do have to make sure you call an
encodeURL method from the servlet API (sorry, I don't know the exact
call) to generate all the URL's used on your pages.  I would suggest
looking at the Servlet API at the JavaSoft sites for further details.


Drew Cox
Barrack Consulting

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Robotham (EPA) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 4:32 PM
> Subject:      How does JSP handle session / state management
> I've been using ASP to generate WAP code, and have run into problems
> because
> the WAP client that we use doesn't handle cookies (which ASP uses for
> it's
> session management)
> I heard that JSP handles session tracking in another way to ASP, and
> was
> just wondering if anyone knows how this is done.
> Regards,
> Joel Robotham, Ericsson Australia
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