Hi Taylor:

Just a quick correction here (I'll send more mail on servelts & JSP
later).  Although what you said is true in the 0.92 *draft*, we realized
this problem (and other related problems) and corrected it in 1.0 by
adding buffered output.  By default buffered is on; you can turn it off
if you want.

I'd advise anybody who read the 0.91, 0.92 *draft* specs to read the
newer specs.  At least once a week I have to correct a misconception
based on the *drafts*.

That is why we go through the review process; so we can improve our
specs :-).

JSP 1.0 is final, JSP 1.1 is pretty cooked; there should be a Public
Release 2 out next week at the latest.

Hope this helps,

        - eduard/o

PS. as "truth in advertisement", there is a known problem in 1.0 and,
unfortunately also in 1.1: when you do a jsp:include the buffer is
flushed, so you cannot do a jsp:forward after that.  Sorry.  We ran into
scheduling isssues and we could not add the desired functionality into
the core Servlet apis.

> Date:    Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:13:56 -0700
> From:    Taylor Gautier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Why use Servlets with JSP?
> You can't really forward from one JSP to another, because by the time you
> get control, it has already opened an output stream on the output socket.

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