
I usually really love your answers that are by far the must useful and
comprehensives ones.
But in this case I really don't agree.

I read the J2EE docs and I'm still unable to answer to simple questions like

- in this case use JSP
- in this case use JSP + bean
- in this case use JSP + servlets
- in this case use Servlets

for a pure web application

The docs only make a little clearer the statement
- in this case use EJB

It would be great if  SUN people could provide a little chart for this (and
it would avoid a lot of questions :-))

  Bonjour (Hello) Craig McClanahan, vous avez écrit le (you wrote on) 09:05
25/10/99 -0700 :
>Chris Macias wrote:
> > ...and this could probably be expanded to "When to use a servlet and when
> > to use a Bean and when to use an EJB", but now we're asking for a white
> > paper! :-)
> >
> > But, seriously, can any of the gurus out there help out us newbies with
> > some 'rules of thumb' for when to use which technology? Rough guesses and
> > half-formed opinions welcome. It's more than we have now!
> >
>>And don't forget to ask about how mail, directory servers, messaging, and
>>access fit in to the web application model as well :-).
>>A pretty good set of documentation that includes answers to these
>>questions, at
>>various levels of detail, is in the Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) pages
>>on the
>>JavaSoft web site.
>>I would start with the Overview and the associated white papers for
>>information. For servlet and JSP developers, the Application Programming
>>manual includes some pretty comprehensive advice and examples of how this
>>all fits
>>together. There's also a sample application to illustrate the suggested

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