Sorry, I should have been clearer in my first post.
doesn't have the current Cocoon stuff, which is in version 1.5.  To
actually get Cocoon 1.5, go to  Cocoon 2.0 will
be developed under the xml project, but there's nothing there yet.  My
only reservation is whether FOP supports inline images.  I don't know.
But I know for a fact that Cocoon can generate PDF from XML/XSL on the
fly.  It comes with examples that work beautifully.  Cocoon is a servlet
that is easy to set up on Apache JServ or JRun.  It should work on any
2.0 compliant servlet engine.

> Ted Little wrote:
> >
> > Dynamic document generation (as PDF files) sounds familiar??
> >
> > I am looking for some info/ideas on how to generate dynamic PDF files on
> > server side, to go with jsp & servlet implementation.
> >
> > Any one tried out of any 'Java Classes' available for generating server
> > side, dynamic PDF files, which can handle simple embedded images.

Scott Stirling

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