> From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The approach I take for properties files is to use a PropertyResourceBundle to
> load them.  This class finds the properties file in the class path, so you
> don't
> have to worry about specifying where the file exists.  Examples of using this
> class can be found in the Internationalization section of the JDK 1.1 or JDK
> 1.2
> documentation bundle.  It is quite useful even if you do not need the
> multi-language support that is also supported.

If you use a PropertyResourceBundle and store the access method (say
getMyPropertyString(Locale l, String str) in a class that has application
level scope, the bundle is only loaded the first time it is accessed
correct?  I have my internationalization resources being read in on servlet
init and then my shared resource class (LocalResources) has methods like:

public String getAirString(Locale loc, String message)
        ResourceBundle curBundle =
ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.earthtrip.MyClass", loc);
        return curBundle.getString(message);

Is this the normal way to do this?

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