Do you mean that before exting the function of the EJB , I should set the
values of the passed parameters to null ? That is not required because when
the function exits all these local variables will go out of scope.

If you are saying that the variables refering to the EJB's home & remote
interface should be set to null then , Yes I am doing that.

I tried to run the JSP by opening browsers on various machines. It show me
the same value everywhere irrespecitve of what is being passed to the EJB

Thanks for the reply.



-----Original Message-----
From: Suresh Kumar Nittala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Abhijit Tannu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: SOS - JSP & EJBs

>Dear Abhijit,
>I think in the Bean you are not intializing the value. What I feel
according to
>your mail is that you have to intilize the value to null each time after
>the Bean so that it will accept a new value.
>Suresh Kumar
>Abhijit Tannu wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> We are using NAS 3.6 server along with NES 4.0 server for running our
>> We are calling functions of an stateless EJB from within the JSP.
>> One of the argument for the function is a String. When I call the
>> for the first time i.e. when the JSP is run for the first time , the EJB
>> works fine.
>> When I call the same function again ( when the JSP is invoked by the
>> the second time ) , I get results corresponding to the last call !!!
>> e.g. When I call trial.jsp?name=abhi from the browser for the first
time -
>>         String myName = request.getParameter("name");
>>         I call myObjBean.getReverse(myName)
>>          - it returns me "ihba".
>>       When I call trial.jsp?name=tannu from the browser -
>>         String myName = request.getParameter("name");
>>         I call myObjBean.getReverse(myName)
>>         - it returns me "ihba" !!!!
>>       When I call trial.jsp?name=try from the browser -
>>         String myName = request.getParameter("name");
>>         I call myObjBean.getReverse(myName)
>>         - it still returns me "ihba" !!!!
>> This happens even when I close the browser and restart it again. I have
>> taken care to remove the bean by calling
>> objProdGblHome.remove(objProdGblBean.getHandle());
>> If I print the local value of myName , it prints proper values.
>> There are no private variables defined in the session bean. All the
>> arguments are being passed for each call to the function. I am not able
>> find out why & how the EJB is storing the old values of the argument ???
>> Can anyone pl. help me overcome this problem ?
>> Regards
>> -Abhi
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