Title: RE: JSP & Javascript

Try <input type=image name=submit src=/image.gif"> this tag will cause the image to submit the form.

-----Original Message-----
From: jesus sosa Iglesias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: JSP & Javascript

You may have to define your button type button not type submit:

<INPUT TYPE="button" return SUBMIT();">

Reg Sherwood wrote:

> This is more of a javascript question... sorry to clutter the newsgroup
> with it... but am still hoping someone can shed some insight.
> In theory this should be trivial.... all I want to do is have an image
> map perform some operation when it is clicked.  I currently have a bean
> that stes/gets properties (thanks for the help Karl) from a JSP page.
> This will happen when the user clicks the "submit" button.... now, I do
> not wish to use the HTML built in submit button, such as
> I want to define my own, eg:
> <a href="\\" return SUBMIT();"><img border="0"
> src="../images/search.gif"></a>
> where SUBMIT is a javascript function that does something along the
> lines of  parent.MainWindow.document.form.submit().
> The reason being, I want to use my own button image, instead of the HTML
> defined one.  I guess the question is, can I do the submit without using
> javascript and still use my own button image? Or how do I write the HTML
> to submit the page in the same manner the built in HTML submit button
> does (and if so, how).
> Thanks
> Reg Sherwood
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