"John K. Peterson" wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Singh, Hari Nam wrote:
> > special tag for loops, or a way to make my own tag for loops (I looked
> > at making tag libraries in the spec, but it didn't seem to be able to
> > handle loops).
> Comments like this and many requests for tutorials on tag libraries show
> that the spec needs some work...

Not really ... that's not what the specs are for.  The target audience for a
specification is technology implementors (in this case, providers of servlet
containers and JSP page compilers).

Users who are asking for tutorials and examples need ... tutorials and examples
:-).  There are some initiatives under way to collect such documents and
collections of example source code, and the several JSP-related books that are
forthcoming will undoubtedly cover tag libraries in detail.

> John K Peterson -- IT Services Systems Engineering -- Brigham Young University

Craig McClanahan

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