Hi All!

What is the best way to call a servlet from a JSP page?

Here are the ways I have found:

<jsp:usebean id="start" class="oe.Startup" scope ="request" />

My understanding of this tag is that it creates an "instance" of a Java
bean - it is really designed for bean use.

Using the HTML <form action = "Startup.java" method="post">

But I don't want to setup an HTML page with just a button on it.

Maybe the <jsp:forward> tag may be the way to go.

Is there another way?  Which do you feel is the best approach?

Regardless of the way I launch the servlet, my web server can not find the
complied class.     All of my servlets and java beans are in the package
"oe."   My classes are loaded under the following directory structure:


I've tried various combinations (i.e. startup.java, oe.startup.java,

Do I have to move my servlets to the same directory as my JSP pages (i.e.
C:\applications\oe\www)?  If I move my servlets to a different directory,
won't it effect my oe package?

Thanks for your help and comments.

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