
I am sure, that the answer for my question was already been spoken, but
... still don't know how to resolve this:

I need to call a servlet from my JSP page. As I understand, this are the
ways of calling servlets from JSP page:
1. <FORM ACTION="<calling servlet>" ... (servlet returns something)
2. <IMG SRC="calling servlet" ...> (servlet returns an image)
3. servlet is a bean (getProperty, setProperty, ...)

Ok, I wrote a servlet, that gets parameters over URL and calculates a
result (number). All that servlet returns is a number. All parameters
are received with request.getParameter method, and number is returned
with out.println(number). (out = PrintWriter).

A result of JSP&servlet must be HTML page with calculated number in one
texfield (of FORM). Is there any possibility how to combine that
together and not using beans? Why not beans? Because I don't know how
many and which parameters are passed to servlet -> general servlet for
calculating mathematical function.

Could you please answer me this soon as possible? On Monday my servlet
should work already.

Big thanks,


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