
 I am using JRun 2.3.3 servlet engine which also can
parse JSP. But somehow in my .jsp page when I am
trying to include a file the engine is not taking care
of that line (I suppose)

 the line in .jsp file looks like

 <%include file="mmmm.html">

 My second question is

 I have a bean component which processes the form
details on the server side.  I am using the jsp use
bean tag to and creating an instance
 <jsp:useBean="...." id=....     />

 but if I want to use a method in the bean to get some
value , I think the jsp engine is not processing it. I
wrote something like this
 <jsp:getProperty name=.... property=....>

I am not getting any error...what should i do? Is
there any log file where i can look in the jrun?

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