Hi Anand

Anand Alagappa wrote:

> All
>  I am using JRun 2.3.3 servlet engine which also can
> parse JSP. But somehow in my .jsp page when I am
> trying to include a file the engine is not taking care
> of that line (I suppose)
>  the line in .jsp file looks like
>  <%include file="mmmm.html">

inorder to include file the syntax is
<%@  include=relativeFileURL  %>

>  My second question is
>  I have a bean component which processes the form
> details on the server side.  I am using the jsp use
> bean tag to and creating an instance
>  <jsp:useBean="...." id=....     />
>  but if I want to use a method in the bean to get some
> value , I think the jsp engine is not processing it. I
> wrote something like this
>  <jsp:getProperty name=.... property=....>

check  what is the scope of the bean you've defined moreover also see that whether
value of the name
attribute of getProperty is same as the attribute value of id in useBean tag


> I am not getting any error...what should i do? Is
> there any log file where i can look in the jrun?
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