>>I am using the Tomcat server. If the tomcat server is started 64 Mb of
>>memory is allocated (which seems to be default). I use an upload jsp file
>>through which I will be able to upload big files (perhaps 100Mb or more).
>>changed the tomcat.bat file by adding the java -Xmx100m piece (which
>>allocate 100Mb of memory for the jvm). But this is not working. I am
>>an OutOfMemory error when I am uploading a file which is bigger than 50
>I believe that the JVM *is* working as expected.  The problem is working
>with a single object that's larger than 50% of the free space in the heap.
>This will make some garbage collectors very unhappy, when they need to
>move stuff around.  You may succeed using a different JVM or even bigger
>-mx, but you should really change your code -- loading a 50-megger to
>memory in a single chunk is insane (for a single upload, anyway).

Instead of loading the entire file into memory, or uploading it in pieces,
you might want to try streaming the file directly to your hard drive.

Jason B.

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