When you install Jrun, you can use the specification 0.92 or 1.0 of JSPs.
Perhaps, you had installed Jrun under the 0.92 specs. I think that in the
administration panel you can see what version of jsps you are using.

>===== Original Message From A mailing list about Java Server Pages
specification and reference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>I just installed and configured JRun and PWS... Simple jsp pages compile and
>run just fine. However the page I am now createing I used the "isThreadSafe"
>page directive from the jsp 1.0 rev b specs and the jsp engine is returning
>the following error code
>500 Internal Server Error
>JSP Parse Error
>JSP Directive  isthreadsafeis not recognized.
>has anyone encountered Jrun not conforming to jsp specs or might there be
>something I am overlooking.
>Daniel (Buster) Nimmons
>Information Management Specialist
>Phone: (713) 845-4991
>CELL #:(281) 224-8013
>Fax #:  (713) 640-8717
>To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
>Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/faq.html
> http://www.esperanto.org.nz/jsp/jspfaq.html
> http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=JSP
> http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=Servlets

Sergio Queijo Diaz.
Soluziona - ISF.

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:


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