> I have put already a "close database connection" method within the
> destroy() method of the servlet but it does not seem to be called by
> the webserver.


Because You open/close database connection at the wrong place.
You should open the connection just before the transaction and
close it immediately after it. I recommend to use connection pooling.
By this way, You will always get a fresh and working connection.

This all means that database connections should be opened and closed
n JavaBeans constructors/methods.

init() for opening connection and destroy() for closing it is absolutely
the _wrong_ place for database interaction.

Also, read from the servlet specification chapters concerning
servlet lifecycle.

Kare 8^)

Kare Nuorteva, programmer
Satama Interactive, Henry Fordin katu 6 FIN-00150 HELSINKI
tel. +3589 680 51 396, GSM +35840 57 833 57

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