"Wasetis, Ken" wrote:
> Or define it within <%! and %> tags which should make it an instance
> variable in the generated servlet.

That's a dangerous solution; since <%! ... %> creates an instance variable,
the variable is shared by all threads (i.e. all concurrent accesses to the
page). In this case the variable value depends on request data, so if you
use an instance variable concurrent requests will overwrite each others

A better solution here would be to develop a bean that has a write
access property named "selComputers" (set from the request parameter
with the same name using <jsp:setProperty>) and read-only properties
named "computerName" and "computerDescription". Then all code can be
replaced with action elements:

  <jsp:useBean id="compInfo" class="com.mycomp.SomeClass" >
    <jsp:setProperty name="compInfo" property="*" />

  <jsp:getProperty name="compInfo" property="computerName" />
  <jsp:getProperty name="compInfo" property="computerDescription" />


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vin Lisciandro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 12:28 PM
> Subject:
> The compiler is not able to determine that 'myComputerName' will exist
> because you only instantiate it inside of an IF statement
> you should do a:
> String myComputerName = new String();
> outside of your IF so that the object is brought into scope, then
> just perform a value assignment inside the IF
> myComputerName = myComputer.getComputerName();
> That way there will always be a 'myComputerName' object to satisfy the
> compiler.
> - vin
> At 10:02 AM 5/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Ok.  So in my JSP I call on a servlet that returns data to me via a
> >"Computer" object which has name and description properties, but I can't
> >seem to get to those properties once I'm back in my JSP.  The jsp code is
> >this:
> ><%
> >         if (request.getParameter("selComputers") != null) {
> >                 String getComputer = request.getParameter("selComputers");
> >                 net.authentix.applicationdefs.Computer myComputer =
> >clsGetComputers.compGetAComputer(getComputer);
> >                 String myComputerName = myComputer.getComputerName();
> >                 String myComputerDescription =
> >myComputer.getComputerDescription();
> >         }
> >%>
> >
> >It is called in a file that get's included only if
> >request.getParameter("selComputers") exists.
> >But, if later in the same jsp I reference <%=myComputerName%> I receive
> this
> >error
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >d:\InetPub\ServletExec\ISAPI\Servlets\pagecompile\_AprilRelease\_AdminFunct
> i
> >ons\_System\_Services\_console_xjsp.java:189: Undefined variable:
> >myComputerName
> >         out.print( String.valueOf(  myComputerName  ) );
> >                                         ^
> >Is this a common or obvious error?  It has me quite stumped.  Admittedly I
> >am a COM/VB dll web programmer trying to learn jsp but I just want to
> access
> >the properties of my object.  Is this possible in my jsp?
> >I wouldn't ask but I've been trying for a couple days now and cannot get
> >there.
> >Thanks.
> >Jt.

Hans Bergsten           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software         http://www.gefionsoftware.com

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