> I can't post from an HTML form to my controller servlet. I get the
> error "Not Found - The requested URL "/myApp/search.do" was not found
> on this server.
> I am using JRun2.3.3 and Apache Web Server (JSP1.0/Servlet2.1) and
> created a suffix mapping of "*.do" for "myServlet" in JRun. I have no
> problem forwarding to myServlet using <jsp:forward
> page="/myApp/search.do" />. However, when I try posting to the servlet
> using <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/myApp/search.do">, I get an error. I
> spent some time in the archives and found tons of info on forwarding in
> Model 2, but nothing on this issue. This leads me to think I am missing
> something simple. Has anyone encountered this?

In your HTML page, try using just "search.do" instead.  The browser will convert
this to the appropriate absolute URL when it is submitted.

> I appreciate any input.
> Rich

Craig McClanahan

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