Can anyone please suggest me how to generate data from multiple selection
of Check Boxes.
I m describing my problems as below.
I have got one List Boxes.There are 4 items in List Boxes.They are all
Numeric.They are 1997,1998,1999,2000 all are values for Year.
I have 4 Check Boxes,They are D1,D2,D3,D4.D1 is a column name of table
tab1,Like that D2 is a column name of table tab2,like of D3 and D4.
year is one of the column name of tab1,tab2,tab3 and tab4 table.
My problem is If I select 1997 from List Boxes and select D1,D2,D3 from
Check Boxes,I should get records generated from tab1,tab2,tab3 for the
year 1997
I will appreciate for any kinds of solution.
Thanks in advance

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