I am using NN 4.7 as browser.

Fisrt I used JWS with default jdk1.1.7 where it could
not complie most of pages and
then I used JWS with jdk1.2.2 and now the pages work
fine except for the javascript.
In most of my pages I need to send only one parameter
so I could manage by creating
a hidden field and naming that with the required
parameter name and it is working fine.
But in two pages I need to send the query string where
I am getting struck and
really have to solve this.

You suggested me to use <form action="..."
method="post"> but I cannot use that
because when option is changed in a listbox it has to
submit the page to itself
and when submit button is pressed it should submit to
a different page.

--- Attili Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> Can you tell me what browser and version u r
> using...
> try to put everything in the <form> tag like
> method,target and action
> Sri
> "Geeta Kottapalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> 06/12/2000 02:43:49 PM
> Please respond to "A mailing list about Java Server
> Pages specification and
>       reference" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  cc:      (bcc: SRI N. ATTILI/EMPL/MD/Bell-Atl)
>  Subject: Re: JSP - JavaScript Question
> ??...URGENT!!
> --- Geeta Kottapalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the quick responses!!
> >
> > Sorry for the typos in the code.
> > I did atually use document.frm.submit();
> > and I used the same case for requested parameters.
> >
> > Srinivas, I tried the way you suggested but did
> not
> > work.
> >
> > The sample code is as follows.When selection is
> > changed in the listbox, appropriate info must be
> > displyed
> >
> > <%@ page language="java"%>
> >
> > <jsp:useBean id="db" scope="request"
> > class="oatsapp.GeneralOats" />
> > <jsp:setProperty name="db"  property="*" />
> >
> > <HTML>
> >
> > <Script language="JavaScript">
> >
> >   function assignID() {
> >
> >     var id =
> > document.frmStatus.lstPrograms.selectedIndex;
> >     var prog_ID =
> > document.frmStatus.lstPrograms.options[id].value;
> >
> >     document.frmStatus.method="post";
> >       //var
> >
> > + prog_ID;
> >
> document.frmStatus.action='Status.jsp?progID='
> > +
> > prog_ID;
> >       document.frmStatus.submit();
> >   }
> > </script>
> > </HEAD>
> >
> > <BODY>
> > <FORM name="frmStatus" TARGET="Content">
> >
> > <%! String prog_ID =
> request.getParameter("progID");
> > %>
> > <% if !(prog_ID == null) {
>         int v_progId = Integer.parseInt(prog_ID);
>      }
>   %>
> > <!-- CALLING THE FUNCTION assignID() on onCHANGE
> > event
> > -->
> >
> > <Select name="lstPrograms" onChange="assignID();">
> >
> > <% String program[][] = db.getProgramsList();
> >    for (int i=0; i<program.length; i++ ) { %>
> >
> >        <option  value="<%=program[i][0]%>"
> >          <%=(Integer.parseInt(program[i][0]) ==
> > v_progId ? "SELECTED>": ">")%>
> >          <%=program[i][1]%>
> >        </option>
> >  <% } %>
> >
> > </select>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> >
> >
> >
> > If any one knows the solution please let me know!!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Geeta
> >
> >
> >
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