
I am looking for a way to generate simple graphs (Bar, Pie) on real time
from the options selected on one JSP and display it on the next JSP when the
user presses the submit button.

The data is realtime and hence I can not generate them during overnight
batch or something like that.

Your help or pointers is very much appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Atchutarao Killamsetty,

----- Original Message -----
From: Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: Another book ? (was Re: question about import)

> Hans Bergsten wrote:
> >
> > <plug>
> > My own JSP book will soon be released, and it describes what the spec
> > says in this regard ;-)
> > </plug>
> Oh, really ? Where can we read about it - maybe web page or something ?
> Is there any chance to read a chapter or so *before* buying it ? What
> servlet engine do you use to test your examples (Tomcat ?) and what spec
> will it describe - JSP 1.1 or 1.2 ?
> Don't be surprised that I'm asking so many questions, as I've seen you
> on Tomcat-related mailing lists and others and your help was always very
> valuable, so probably does book. Besides, there're several books on the
> topic, but in most cases, the spec was only reliable source of
> information.
> > Hans
> Jacek Laskowski
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