> On my page I want 5 listboxes containing thesame result
> from a DB.
> The resultset is retrieven when calling a bean(getTheRS)
> Which way is the fastest?

Containing the same results? Do u mean u've to print, in the same page, 5
times the same listbox?

I did an Utility class containing a method like:

public static String getDBCombo(String sql, String comboName [, String

The sql has 2 select fields: the first one will be the id of the <option>
tag, the second one will be the value.
It queries the db and builds a string containing the html codes to show the
Something like
<select name=comboName>
  <option value=id1>Name1
  <option value=id2>Name2

Then in the jsp page:
<% String listBox= Utility.getDBCombo("select id, name from dealers",
<!-- prints out 5 times the same listbox -->
<%= listBox %>
<%= listBox %>
<%= listBox %>
<%= listBox %>
<%= listBox %>

Is this what u were searching for?

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