It probably was not tought at all in the school he went to. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Terrence Gleed
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks

History it seems is not your strongest subject.

>From: Karl Doane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and
>reference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
>Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:46:33 -0400
>I know we should not contiue this but as a Proud AMERICAN, I feel that I
>need to respond.  I have to disagree with these people who think we should
>apologize for dropping a Nuclear Bomb on Japan.
>Read your real History, not what the liberal bleeding heart media tells
>         1.  THEY STARTED THE WAR with a cowardly sneak attack on Pearl
>         2.  They tortured and executed our captured soldiers.
>         3.  They tried to exterminate the Chinese and all the rest of
>         4.  They fought till the death and remember the kamakazie planes,
>they would not go quietly.
>         5.  We would have lost probably a few hundred thousand soldiers by
>attacking their Homeland.
>         6.  We would have had to kill just about every single Japanese
>person to take over Japan. I do believe that is                    more
>our A Bombs killed.
>         7.  You win a war through Attrition, you have to kill so many of
>them that they say 'enough'
>         8   We could have dropped the A bomb on Tokyo, that would have
>killed a few more people.
>       9.  I don't they have ever apologized for their acts.
>      10.  Don't start something you can't finish, if they didn't want to
>suffer the consequences, they should have                  stayed on their
>side of the Pacific.
>      11.  I do believe that we gave them quite a bit of help rebuilding
>their country along with Germany.
>As far as the terrorist a.k.a. slimy, cowardly low lifes, that once again
>sneak attacked us again.  Why didn't they stand up like real men and fight
>us head on.  No they have to attack a buch of innocent civilians, like
>babies and women.  I guess they are too chicken to fight our military head
>on.  Why, they are afraid of having a fair fight, that is why.
>I feel bad for the 99+% of the Islamic people who are good, hard working
>honest and righteous people.  They have to live with the fact that people
>who come from their countries did what they did.  They shouldn't be ashamed
>because I know that this is not what they are like.  We as good AMERICANs
>should treat these people with every right of freedom that we enjoy.
>People have said that we got what we deserved.  Well, the next time
>like Iraq comes steamrolling over your countries, don't come looking for
>help.  We bailed you out the last time otherwise I think Iraq would now own
>the whole Middle East.  You asked us to come over there, we did, and saved
>your butt and this is what we get in return.  You will get what you deserve
>next time.
>You can dance and gloat all you want but just like Japan found out a few
>years back, DON'T MESS WITH US.  You can have you Holy War and all that
>stuff but remember you only won the first battle.  We will win the war and
>we will DESTROY you.  We are the BEST and STRONGEST country in the world
>(They don't call us a Super Power for nothing) and we will not stop until
>completely remove them from this great planet.
>If our country was so terrible and evil, then why do Hundred of Thousands
>people want to come to our country and become citizens?????  You are just a
>bunch of jealous people, who can't stand that we have progressed so far in
>such a short time (200+ years).  In those short amount of years we went
>13 colonies under the thumb of Great Britian, to the MOST POWERFUL NATION
>THE WORLD.  We are also the most ADVANCED and enjoy the most FREEDOM of any
>country in the world.  Where are you??  The last time I heard, Afghanistan,
>is moving back to the caveman age.
>That's good, because if they don't hand over the loser, we will help them
>back there, except a little faster.
>That is enough of this rant, but the next time any country that hates and
>despises us, has a natural disaster, don't come looking to us for help.
>to survive on your own for once.
>Some of you will say that I am just a crazed person, but this is called
>being an American.  You attack one of us, I consider it an attack on all of
>us.  I realize that all the people who gave the ulimate sacrifce before me,
>did so that I can live in this country.  I love my freedom and will NEVER
>EVER apologize for what we did in defense of our country.  If you don't
>how we handle situations, don't ask us for our help.
>When was the last time we went somewhere uninvited??
>   Middle East - We were invited.
>   Kosovo - Invited and did 75%+ of the fighting.
>   Vietnam - Invited.
>   Korea -  Invited.
>   Haiti -  Invited.
>   WWII - Japan attacked, We FINISHED it
>I am sure that you have heard the saying 'Hell has no fury like a Woman's
>scorn'  Well guess what, LADY LIBERTY is ticked off and she is going to
>a can of whipa** on those low lifes.  May God have mercy on their souls.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:22 PM
>Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
>First, I see no reason why some oppose this discussion in this list, mostly
>because I think a number of us in this list are almost like family. I have
>been on this list for almost 2 years, and I have seen a lot more too.
>Second, I have to say in defense to not posting this discussion on this
>list, of all the mailing lists I am part of, this is the ONLY list actually
>talking about this, so most likely it is not appropriate. But this list
>covers people around the world more so than any other list I am on. I do
>however feel it is good to talk about this, and therefore, I am replying
>another thought I had the other day.
>I work in a small company and with me are a few co-workers from
>India. I am white, but I consider these co workers my brothers (and sister)
>as I respect them very much. In the past couple of days they have taught me
>some information about what has happened in India, and other parts of the
>world. The reason for my reply is it really bothers me to think that after
>10's of thousands of people have died in India and other parts of the
>nobody once got up and said "Let all of us Countries get together and
>this". But when it hits in the US, now it is ok to do this. Don't get me
>wrong..I am devastated and if I did not have children I would already have
>enlisted with the 100,000's of those doing so now. I am furious and feel
>nobody in their right mind should ever have done this not only to the US
>to ANY country. The point is, while I fully support full military
>retaliation, this should have been done a LOOONG time ago.
>I would like to finish by saying I really am disgusted that so many
>Americans are targeting local Arab and even Indian establishments. I have a
>good friend who's brother has been beat up and in several fights already
>because he is Arabic. This is plain wrong. Period. We ALL need to bond,
>around the world, no matter what nationality we are or where we live, to
>wipe this out for good. Even saying that we all know it wont be possible to
>wipe it out everywhere for good. But if somehow all the countries got
>together and said " mess with us, we wipe you out. You mess with
>them, we wipe you out. You mess with anyone, we wipe you out. Period" and
>they would understand that no matter where they target, all countries would
>get together and fight this problem, perhaps the incidents would diminish
>even disappear. I do recognize and even fear that there are still Cells
>operating in the US and other parts of the world, and that it is not only
>possible but more than likely that they will strike again soon during all
>this, and more US (and other countries) civilians will be harmed. I will be
>the first to admit (and I have heard many many more like me) that I am a
>little fearful of certain Arabic looking men mostly because this whole
>has brought about a severe uncertainty amongst the populations of not only
>here, but around the world. But I for one will not just arbitrarily attack
>or be biased against them unless there is reason to do so. I pray that we
>don't see Marshall Law declared and that we don't see anything close to
>happened to the Japanese in WWII.
>When all is said and done, we need to all come together as a world, not
>nationality or country, and rise above these outrageous acts. It will only
>be then that we can see anything close to world peace.
>Perhaps I am wrong in writing this, I apologize if I offend anyone. But
>after talking to a number of people via email, online chat, and in person,
>get the feeling a lot of people feel the way I do.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Peter Choe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 9:35 AM
> > Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> >
> >
> > but neither has japan ever apologized for their atrocities during the
> > war to this day and even their history books leave out this part of
> > their history.  the US, however late and however hard they fought
> > agaisnt, has made some apologies and compensations to the japanese
> > americans they have interned during the war.
> >
> > and is you are not familiar with what atrocities the japanese
> > has done,
> > look into the rape of nanking and what they did with comfort women(sex
> > slaves) from korea.
> >
> > thus ends the history lesson for the day.
> >
> > Haseltine, Celeste wrote:
> >
> > > Sanjay,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The fact that we did drop nuclear bombs that killed and maimed many
> > > civilians is one that I am still ashamed of to this day as a US
> > > citizen.  Nor am I proud that we as a nation have never
> > made a formal
> > > apology to Japan, as they have provided us for the bombing at Pearl
> > > Harbor.  But as my father pointed out to me (he was 12
> > years old at the
> > > time of the attack on Pearl Harbor), it was the only way we
> > could bring
> > > an end to the war.   The two atomic bombs that we dropped
> > on Nagasaki
> > > and Hiroshima were NOT a response to the attack on Pearl
> > Harbor.  They
> > > were simply the most economic way AT THAT TIME, to bring to
> > an end to a
> > > war that did bankrupt all of Europe, and almost bankrupted
> > the United
> > > States.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Celeste
> > >
> > > ----Original Message-----
> > > From: Sanjay Gomes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:09 AM
> > > Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> > >
> > >
> > >     I am sorry for again writing offtopic but couldn't
> > resist a reply to
> > >     this,   I am neither a critic of the US nor a fanatic but ....
> > >
> > >     ..the facts are
> > >
> > >     The Japanese bombed the military targets in the Pearl
> > harbour , and
> > >     in response the US dropped Nuclear bombs on two heavily
> > populated
> > >     cities
> > >
> > >     creating millions of civilian casualties for times to come
> > >
> > >      -----Original Message-----
> > >     From:   Haseltine, Celeste [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >     Sent:   14 September 2001 17:00
> > >     To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >     Subject:        Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> > >
> > >     To everyone on JSP Board.
> > >
> > >     I apologize for filling up the board with another
> > response, and off
> > >     topic at
> > >     that.  But I am so tired of hearing how we in American may have
> > >     deserved a
> > >     taste of what many in other countries have had to deal
> > with the last
> > >     couple
> > >     of days, that I had to respond to Isidoros.  My
> > apologies to anyone I
> > >     inconvenience on the board today.
> > >
> > >     -----------------------
> > >
> > >     Isidoros,
> > >
> > >     I wanted to thank you for your expression of sympathy
> > for those of
> > >     us here
> > >     in the US who did loose family, loved ones, and
> > co-workers this past
> > >     Tues.
> > >     Fortunately for our company in Texas, all the employees of the
> > >     company that
> > >     we were working a contract with did manage to get out
> > of the World
> > >     Trade
> > >     Center Towers and are accounted for.
> > >
> > >     What you say is very true.  We vote people into office
> > in the US that
> > >     reflect the majority opinion of whatever political
> > issues are at the
> > >     forefront during the election process.  We do hold a
> > great deal of
> > >     world
> > >     power in our hands, and we often do force our views of
> > democracy and
> > >     justice
> > >     onto other countries who cultures and views are
> > different.  And, we
> > >     may use
> > >     our military muscle to protect our interests and the
> > interests of our
> > >     allies, sometimes at the expense of the local people.
> > >
> > >     So some of the hatred that has recently been directed at us is
> > >     understandable.  But it is NOT excusable.  We are a country who
> > >     believe in
> > >     the rights of all free people to take up arms and fight
> > for what they
> > >     believe in.  But terrorism in ANY form is a cowardly
> > way to fight,
> > >     and it is
> > >     one that is without honor.  Back when the Japanese bombed Pearl
> > >     Harbor, they
> > >     freely and openly wore their national symbols on their
> > planes, and
> > >     their
> > >     uniforms.  And they admitted that they bomb us.  Though
> > the result
> > >     of their
> > >     actions were no different than the results that
> > occurred on Tues in
> > >     NY and
> > >     Washington, DC, the Japanese were a people and country
> > with honor.
> > >     They
> > >     fought and died for what they believed in, and we in
> > this country have
> > >     respected them from the day they signed the armistice, up to the
> > >     present.
> > >
> > >
> > >     The people behind the attack that took place on Tuesday
> > have refused to
> > >     stand up and admit who they are.  Because of this, many
> > Americans
> > >     view their
> > >     actions, and whatever beliefs they may hold that lead
> > them to the
> > >     attack on
> > >     Tues, in contempt.  They are cowardly, and are a people without
> > >     honor.  In
> > >     addition to the attack on US soil on Tuesday, these
> > same people have
> > >     killed
> > >     so many others in so many countries, that it is time that we
> > >     globally take a
> > >     stand and put a stop to terrorism once and for all.  That is why
> > >     NATO, and
> > >     many other countries, including those who are openly
> > opposed to the
> > >     US such
> > >     as Libya, have joined the US in condemning what
> > happened on Tues.
> > >     Whether
> > >     this will eventually lead to military action or not,
> > it's hard to
> > >     say.  But
> > >     this American is willing to cast a vote for military
> > action IF their is
> > >     sufficient evidence regarding who was behind this
> > attack, and IF the
> > >     person
> > >     or persons responsible refuse to stand up for their actions and
> > >     beliefs in a
> > >     court of law (UN court or otherwise).
> > >
> > >     Thank you again for your prayers, and continuing
> > praying that we as
> > >     a global
> > >     community can put a stop to terrorism once and for all without
> > >     resorting to
> > >     military action.
> > >
> > >     Celeste
> > >     -----Original Message-----
> > >     From: Isidoros Vacropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >     Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:48 AM
> > >     To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >     Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
> > >
> > >
> > >     Good morning,
> > >
> > >     I'm sorry that i use this list for telling my opinion about the
> > >     terrible
> > >     things that happened in USA. Whoever does not want to read this
> > >     mail, he can
> > >     just erase it. I don't think it is tiring to erase an email....
> > >
> > >     I would also like to express my deep sorrow to the
> > citizens of the USA.
> > >     Maybe there are fellow subscribers that may have lost friendly
> > >     people or
> > >     relatives.
> > >
> > >     Secondly, i would like to say that i'm from Greece and
> > i'm a Christian
> > >     Orthodox. After reading all these mails in this list, i
> > would also
> > >     like to
> > >     say my opinion...
> > >
> > >     Noone in this earth has the right to feel happy for the
> > dead people
> > >     and for
> > >     all the destructions in the city of New York.
> > >     N O O N E. Beyond religion, political beliefs and financial
> > >     situation , we
> > >     are all human beings and who are not given the right to
> > feel relief
> > >     for some
> > >     people who die, even if their political or religious
> > background is
> > >     not the
> > >     same to ours.
> > >
> > >     On the other hand, noone has also the right to decide
> > an attack and
> > >     kill
> > >     innocent people.
> > >     Whether you want it or not, the fellow subscribers that
> > come from
> > >     the great
> > >     countries, like USA,Germany,Great Britain and the other ARE
> > >     Voting for presidents and people in high places in the
> > goverments
> > >     who decide
> > >     that they will bomb innocent people (YUGOSLAVIA,
> > AFRICA....) is not
> > >     less
> > >     responsibility than taking this decision. I want to
> > make clear that
> > >     i'm not
> > >     saying that USA got what it deserved....I don't think that human
> > >     beings are
> > >     the right beings to decide who has done wrong and who
> > has done right.
> > >     I'm just saying that you are the one who voted for your
> > presidents.Your
> > >     presidentd decided many bad things and attacks in the
> > near past (and
> > >     noone
> > >     can deny it) and these presidents made so many
> > countries,folks and
> > >     people
> > >     enemies of yours.
> > >     What i'm saying is that you gave the right to some
> > people to hate you
> > >     because you made attacks that shouldn't have happened.
> > >     Whether you want it or not you hold the situation of
> > the planet in your
> > >     hands. You can decide now what will hapen in my country
> > in the next 30
> > >     years.If you ever understand the power that you hold in your
> > >     hands.............
> > >
> > >     Again, i want to express my deep condolences to the
> > families of the
> > >     dead and
> > >     wounded people,
> > >     i'm sure that are deep religious people in my country
> > that will pray
> > >     for
> > >     you.
> > >
> > >
> > >     Isidoros
> > >
> > >     (P.S)
> > >     I would like some fellow subscribers, especially from
> > USA, to judge my
> > >     opinion.
> > >
> > >     Thanx
> > >
> > >
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