On 2003.02.27 07:35 Peter wrote:
Fine thanks for the comments on jsp

Actually jsp is converted into servlet before exciting does that incur
any over head.

What do you mean by overhead? Yes, there's some small amount of processing time necessary to compile the JSP into a servlet, but this only occurs once and isn't done each time the JSP is accessed. As such, the overhead is only incurred one time.

Also I have a doubt sevlet is a java file we can play  with
inheritance that is
public final class XpressMoneyPaymentCancel extends HttpServletJXGB_Fa

where HttpServletJXGB_Fa extends httpservlet is possible
how to do it in jsp please guide

I don't understand the above. Are you saying that you don't think servlets are Java files, which doesn't make sense to me, or are you saying that you can't access the source for some servlet framework that you're working with?

On another note, it's definitely not a recommended practice to put
business logic into a JSP. That sort of code belongs in a servlet, and
putting it into a JSP would make the JSP rather unmaintainable and
Darryl L. Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Visit the Infobahn Offramp - <http://bellsouthpwp.net/m/c/mcpierce>
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