Richard (and others),

Send a listing of your WEB-INF and WEB-INF/lib directories.

Directory of C:\JPetStore3\src\WEB-INF

10/27/2003  08:52 AM    <DIR>          .
10/27/2003  08:52 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/24/2003  09:09 AM    <DIR>          classes
07/19/2003  08:23 AM               412 global-web-application.xml
07/19/2003  08:23 AM               507 jboss-web.xml
10/24/2003  09:09 AM    <DIR>          lib
07/19/2003  08:23 AM               404 orion-web.xml
04/01/2003  08:33 PM             6,873 struts-config.xml
07/19/2003  08:23 AM               593 sun-web.xml
10/24/2003  09:09 AM    <DIR>          tld
107/19/2003  08:19 AM             2,741 web.xml
07/19/2003  08:23 AM               724 weblogic.xml
              7 File(s)         12,254 bytes
              5 Dir(s)   3,738,174,976 bytes free

Directory of C:\JPetStore3\src\WEB-INF\lib

10/27/2003  08:53 AM    <DIR>          .
10/27/2003  08:53 AM    <DIR>          ..
06/13/2003  09:28 AM         1,235,721 axis.jar
06/08/2003  06:35 PM           115,849 cglib-1.0.jar
06/08/2003  06:47 PM           148,230 cglib-asm-1.0.jar
10/21/2002  09:36 AM           165,119 commons-collections.jar
08/12/2002  04:45 PM            62,998 commons-dbcp.jar
06/13/2003  09:28 AM            71,442 commons-discovery.jar
04/07/2003  07:39 AM            22,327 commons-logging-api.jar
04/07/2003  07:39 AM            31,605 commons-logging.jar
08/12/2002  05:41 PM            28,930 commons-pool.jar
07/27/2003  10:16 PM           172,537 ibatis-db.jar
06/13/2003  09:28 AM            35,759 jaxrpc.jar
04/20/2003  09:30 PM           135,368 jdom.jar
06/13/2003  09:28 AM            18,501 saaj.jar
11/17/2002  09:02 PM           330,440 struts.jar
03/27/2003  01:51 PM           895,924 xercesImpl.jar
03/27/2003  01:51 PM           123,705 xmlParserAPIs.jar
11/17/2002  09:02 PM             5,174 yoshida.jar
             17 File(s)      3,599,629 bytes
              2 Dir(s)   3,738,178,048 bytes free

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