Actually what I should add - I would need a concave hull
implementation too for my research but didn't found the time yet to
work on such thing (and doubt I will find it any time soon). We should
have made this a Google Summer of Code project.

However - I recently saw a presentation by a student of our department
who calculated "hulls" that are supposed to be animal habitats from GPS tracks. She used Convex hull, kernel density (raster based), and a further method - minimum convex hulls (LoCoH). Informations on the latter method by Getz and Wilmers (2004) and Getz et al (2007) can be found here:


I haven't read the article yet - so it may be a raster based approach. I have seen that derived polygons may contain holes. The info says it is available for ArcGIS and R (which may indicate that for R the source code is availble???). On the webpage you can even upload you shp files.

maybe that is f interest too - or gives some more ideas for concave hulls.

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