Believe me, even given the dependence on Delaunay Triangulation this algorithm is simple compared to most that appear in papers! There's lots of public code for DT out there (as always, the trick is finding high quality, robust, performant code! )

I do have DT code which I'm hoping to roll into JTS in a month or two. Stay tuned...

Thanks for the offer about papers - sometimes it's very hard to get your hands on academic papers, so that could be very useful.


Stefan Steiniger wrote:
Martin, I love your comment:

>> How refreshing to have a paper which
>> contains an algorithm which is actually easy to implement!

as I am not sure if this one would give me a head-ache or not (i - pseudo code looks nice..but still, ii - do you have a delauney triangulation already implemented in JTS? - I didn't know that)

I am glad that there are people out there like you that are a) into programming and b) still understand all that computational geometry stuff - I wished I would be a 'math' person sometimes.


PS: if somebody needs the original/final version from a paper mentioned - ask me. We have pretty good access to all the major journals/publishers here at UofC.
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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